
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Classroom Management Punch Cards!

As this school year comes to a close, I always think about the year and what worked well and what adjustments I can make for the following year. One thing that worked very well in my classroom this year are the classroom management punch cards I created for my students. I print these on colorful card stock and start out the year giving one card to each student.

I use a clip chart for classroom management and each time my students clip up to "Outstanding" they earn a star punch on their card (I bought a three pack of hole punchers with a circle, heart, and star from Amazon). The students keep their cards in their pencil boxes and are responsible for keeping the cards safe and not losing them. Once they achieve five punches on their card, they may choose a prize out of the prize box. Each Friday is prize box day.

It is so interesting to see which students save their cards in hopes of better prizes in the following weeks. They also took it upon themselves to write the number of their card on the back. So each time they cash in a card for a prize, they write the number on the back to keep track of how many cards they have had during the year. I stamp the back to ensure a card isn't cashed in more than once ;).

This system has worked very well in my classroom this year and it is something I will definitely bring back next year. Get the classroom management punch cards here! I can also personalize them for you. If you are interested in a personalized version with your name, please purchase the pack and email me the purchase date, your TpT user name, and your personalization request at
Happy Teaching!

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