Common Core math has been a big shift from what many educators and parents have been used to in the past. I have personally embraced the shift towards a deeper understanding of mathematical practices and welcome the shift towards assisting students to build a strong number sense. As a student, I could have benefitted from this style of teaching. I was one of the students that wanted to know "why" when learning mathematical algorithms.
My district has adopted the Engage New York curriculum and it has been interesting to see how one particular curriculum has been designed to meet the Common Core standards. I see both positives and areas for improvement with the program. I have really enjoyed the engagement pieces of the program. There are many fun games and activities designed to engage students and practice skills. For some areas of the program I have seen a need for additional practice of skills. To meet my students' needs I have created supplementary materials and have incorporated these materials into my daily routine, as necessary.
I strive to create lessons that incorporate a hands-on and interactive component. I have created many cut and paste activities to meet the Common Core standards and they have been very engaging and helpful for my students. When I show my students the cut and paste activities there is always an audible "Yay!" from the children.
Check out some of the activities below!
Click here to get the Related Fact Number Bond Cut & Paste.
Click here to get the Related Fact Cut & Paste.
Click here to get the Missing Addend Match Cut & Paste.
Click here to get the True or False Expressions Cut & Paste.
Click here to get the Domino Related Facts Activity.
Happy Teaching!