
Saturday, August 13, 2016

Crayon Bulletin Board

After posting my classroom reveal I had tons of questions about how I created my crayon bulletin board! Well… this is the place to come for details!

I was originally inspired by this pin and loved the way the box was created. I then decided that I wanted my bulletin board to be more 3-dimensional so I grabbed some construction paper and played around with it until I got the result I was looking for.

To make the box, I used a shipping box that my wobble stools came in. I cut the semicircle with scissors. I then covered the box with yellow construction paper. I just used glue sticks and tape. I folded it like a present and attached the green flap at the top. I glued on the green triangle shapes and used a marker to create the green lines. I then used push pins (lots of them!) to attach it to my bulletin board.

To make the crayons I took different shades of construction paper and rolled them into cylinders. I taped them lengthwise. I created crayon name labels with my students' names and glued them onto the outside of the cylinders.

I then needed to make a cone shape for the crayon points. I cut a square (approx. 8x8") and twisted it into the cone and taped it together. I then trimmed the bottom so it was flat.

Before attaching the cone to the cylinder, I stapled the crayon to the wall. I stapled the inside of both sides of the cylinder to the wall. I then attached the cone to my desired side of the crayon.

To attach the cone to the cylinder, I placed two tape loops (sometimes 3) inside the cylinder. I then wedged the cone inside the cylinder.

Stay tuned for a video tutorial!

If you are interested in the crayon labels you can download them here.

Happy bulletin board Creating!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Classroom Reveal 2016

I can't believe my new group of little ones will be in my classroom on Monday! The summer went by quickly but it was very relaxing and enjoyable. I spent the last few weeks in my classroom preparing for my new group of kiddos and I have my classroom all ready for them! It is always so much work, but it is well worth it!

 The biggest change to my classroom this year is the addition of new tables! I had groups of desks before and I already LOVE the tables so much more. They work better for my flexible seating options and it really opens up the room and gives us more space. Check out the photos of my classroom reveal below!

This is my cute bulletin board! It was hard work but it came out better than I had expected. The crayon box is a shipping box that my wobble stools came in and the crayons are just rolled up construction paper! I hope this bulletin board makes my students feel welcome on the first day! The inspiration came from this Pinterest pin.

This is the front of my room and carpet area. 

 Because we are a flexible seating classroom, we share all school supplies. My students do need storage for writing journals and work folders. These rainbow drawers were perfect for this task!

This is the front corner of my room. My calendar is to the right with white board supplies below. I have cardboard book boxes for my students to keep their books selected from our classroom library. The blue board is my Daily 5 chart. 

 This is a perspective of the classroom from my low table. You can see my new tables and flexible seating options I added for the year.

 This is my SWAG tag display. Students will earn tags for behavior choices, academic goals, and for displaying character traits. We will celebrate and wear them on Fridays. I purchased the cutest brag tag packs and I made a few of my own. To find out more about brag tags click here.

 This is my standing table that students will be able to choose to use for various activities.

This is photo of my community supplies found on my tables. All supplies are shared and there are many supply stations around the room for convenience. 

This is my classroom library. The only new part of this area are the cute red chairs from target and I purchased new book bins from Big Lots.

I am moving away from center rotations this year and I will be implementing The Daily 5 (although a non-rotation version) This is the chart that will help keep us organized and on the right track.

 I have two new wobble stools for my students this year! I am hoping to get more through my Donor's Choose project. They fit so nicely under the round tables and I know my students will love them.

This is my Welcome Book that I created for my students. It is a coloring book introducing myself and our year we will have in first grade. I think they are going to love coming into school on the first day and working on their new book.

 This is my collaborative conversations wall. The posters have been so helpful for guiding my students with having effective collaborative conversations. You can check them out here.

 I made new clip charts this year. I needed a new Daily 5 chart, and I wanted to spruce up my old 5 year old clip chart.

This is where my SWAG tags will be stored. I will tell the students when they have earned a card, and they will grab it out of the plastic box. Thank you to Angie from Lucky Little Learners for the great idea!

If you want to find out more about Flexible Seating you can check out some posts here.

I hope you have enjoyed the tour of my classroom! If you have any questions leave them in the comments below! Here's to a wonderful year! :)
