
Sunday, February 25, 2018

St. Patrick's Day Leprechaun Rocks Science Experiment!

With St. Patrick's Day rapidly approaching, It made me think back to the past few years and the fun I had with my first grade students on this special day. You may have seen photos of Leprechaun Rocks floating around on the internet and I am going to teach you how to make them. I also wanted to share a free resource with you that kindergarten through second grade students would love!

 For the last two years I conducted a St. Patrick's day science experiment with my students. I explained to my students that the Leprechauns know I am a teacher and they leave me a cauldron full of leprechaun rocks to investigate with my students. 

We use a recording sheet to predict what will happen when we place a leprechaun rock in vinegar. Then I hand the students a plate, cup of vinegar, and a leprechaun rock. We normally do this outside because it can be messy. We then countdown from 10 and watch what happens when we place the leprechaun rocks into the vinegar. The students are amazed to see the bubbly reaction and are always thrilled to discover the leprechauns left a gold coin in the center of the rock for them to keep! I then have the students record the outcome of the experiment on their recording sheet and it is glued into their interactive STEAM notebooks.

Check out the video tutorial on how to create Leprechaun Rocks just like the leprechauns do! :)

If you are interested in this project, click this link to grab the free resource. It includes directions on how the leprechauns made the rocks (and how you can recreate them), how to conduct the experiment, and recording sheets for the activity.

Here is another resource you may want to grab for your St. Patrick's Day festivities!

St. Patrick's Day Sight Words

I hope you enjoy this resource and have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!