
Sunday, September 29, 2019

Watercolor Pumpkins!

Each year when fall rolls around my class creates many fall themed art projects and activities. One of the favorites is the watercolor pumpkin activity. I have created these a few different ways based on the grade level I teach that particular year.

These adorable pumpkins look like stained glass and I have two methods that are tried and true. The first one is more simple. I model a few different compositions of pumpkins for the kids using watercolor paper and pencil- whole class. The students either recreate one of my compositions or try one of their own. During this part I stress the importance of drawing large images so the glue will not run together. I explain that tracing little images with glue is very tricky and sometimes it ends up blobbing together.

After the students have a pencil outline I have them trace their lines with black glue. You can purchase black glue, but I prefer to make my own by mixing white glue and black tempera paint. I buy little squeeze bottles that are easier for little hands to use and let them go for it!

I let the glue dry overnight and the pumpkins are ready to paint the next day.

The other method is a little more complicated. The drawing of the pumpkin is the same, but then the lines are covered with white glue. Once the glue dries I have the students use sharpie to line the inside and the outside of the glue lines. After the glue is dry, the students paint in the sections of the glue.

These are both great methods for creating a stained glass look and create a wonderful fall display in the classroom. If you have any questions be sure to leave them in the comments section and I will be happy to answer them!

Items used:
Watercolor paper
Small Squeeze Bottles

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