
Thursday, June 11, 2020

Hello First Grade!

Sooo.... after one year teaching 4/5 and two years teaching second I am thrilled to announce that I am going back to my favorite grade... First! Each grade level I have been fortunate enough to teach in my 11 years has provided me with an educational balance. I have learned so much from each grade level I have taught, which happens to be all grades K through 5. From varying content, to extremely different classroom management techniques, each grade has special characteristics that have made me a better teacher. 

I will say though, that I do have a favorite, and it is first grade! I love the sweetness of the age, I love the growth that the kiddos make, and I love the challenges you face while trying to get things to click for kids who all learn a little bit differently. I am so excited and can't wait for my first graders!

Stay tuned for the fun we have this year in first grade!

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